HMP114 – W Sussex

A modern design, eco friendly credentials, beach front location.
Upside-down open plan living, with leek architectural lines and large windows frame the spectacular ocean views and let the abundant coastal light in. There are multiple balconies and decks outside and it offers beach access via the back garden. Shoot and stay with 4 bedrooms for overnight accommodation. Situated on the tip of a South Coast fishing village in West Sussex.
Features: Direct beach access / Modern externals / Country style shaker Kitchen / Black library area / Modern staircase /3 x King bedrooms / Easy parking / French antique styling through out / 1 x bed annexe / Elevator internal ground to first floor / Sweeping staircase / Antique furniture / Master Bedroom suite / Balconies from each room / Dining room with sea views / Hidden access to bathroom through library shelves.